Last week, my esteemed partner Jeff learned a customer was willing to part with the rights to her Lettered Edition of Magician by Raymond E. Feist and Don Maitz.
That meant that we have one copy for sale. And I've always said, "If someone doesn't want a Lettered Edition and that book was coveted by one and all, we would do a random drawing and select someone who wants the right to purchase it." Jeff put up a contact form to allow people to enter into the random drawing and we've been flooded with interest.
The random drawing for the rights to purchase Lettered Edition "Z" of Magician will be done tomorrow at 11:00PM PDT from the Grim Oak Press Facebook page. It will be a Facebook Live event, one where Jeff and I will also field any questions that you guys have about our upcoming projects!
Hope to see some of you online tomorrow!
Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Editorial Director