Pre-order Announcement: Dune: House Atreides

Pre-order Announcement: Dune: House Atreides

On Wednesday, March 5th, at 11AM PT, Grim Oak Press will begin taking pre-orders for Dune: House Atreides by Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson with stunning art by long-time Dune artist Marc Simonetti.

Unfortunately, due to Brian and Kevin's busy schedules, they could not guarantee that they could sign signature pages for the limited editions. Signature pages take a lot of time. We decided it best to offer their signatures on the lettered edition and only have Marc's signature on the Limited. Then, if you see Brian and/or Kevin at a con or tour stop, you can get it signed that way.

Take a look at the particular product pages here:

I'm fond of the House books. My father was a huge Dune fan when I was growing up. I likely knew the name Frank Herbert before I knew the name Terry Brooks. Ironically, many years later, I was early for the release party of Dune: House Atreides at University Book Store in Seattle, WA, and... lo' and behold... Terry Brooks was there perusing the SF&F shelves. We didn't know one another yet. I worked up the courage to ask him why he was there. Terry said, "Frank Herbert wrote a pretty good New York Times book review of The Sword of Shannara when it published and I want to support Brian the same way his father did for my career." To this day, that conversation might have been the reason why I reached out to Terry later that year to become his webmaster, because I wanted to work with such an upstanding man.

We will continue publishing the House books. Next up, Dune: House Harkonnen. Marc Simonetti will be on art duties again. And people who own Dune: House Atreides will have first right of refusal for the second book.

See you on Wednesday at 11AM PT! Let the Spice flow!

Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Creative Director

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