Pre-Order Now: The Red Queen's War by Mark Lawrence

Pre-Order Now: The Red Queen's War by Mark Lawrence

Grim Oak Press is excited to announce The Red Queen's War by Mark Lawrence!

This new lettered and limited edition project should come as no surprise to anyone. The Broken Empire has been one of our bestselling books. It is a testament to the love that people have for Lawrence's first trilogy and its amazingly-wrought characters. And having his long-time book artist Jason Chan commit to its art duties didn't hurt matters, that's for sure.

I'm thrilled that Lawrence wanted Grim Oak Press to create Jalan's omnibus! Love me some Snorri too! And I'm equally happy that Chan is returning for art duties on The Red Queen's War! We will do 10-12 red and white interiors similar to what we did on the first omnibus. Red is the word of the day so the lettered and limited editions will have a lot of that color to match up with the black of The Broken Empire.

There are two editions. A lettered and limited!

The 52-copy Lettered Edition will have red leather, a red clamshell, and red ribbon. It is not openly available to the public. Those people who own the lettered edition of The Broken Empire have first right of refusal for the lettered edition of The Red Queen's War, as I promised them many years ago. Jeff has already sent emails out to the people who purchased the Lettered Edition of The Broken Empire. If you did not receive this email, please write us ASAP. The owners have 30 days to purchase this new lettered edition. If there are any remaining copies after the 30 days, they will be placed online for everyone to fight for.

The 1000-copy Limited Edition will have a red dust jacket, red cloth, and a red ribbon. It is available now to all. If you already own The Broken Empire, we will match numbers to your pre-ordered The Red Queen's War. Simply write your book number in the Notes section at the end of check-out. That easy. Or Jeff will do it for you since he loves customer service and making things easier on you!

We are looking for art delivery from Jason Chan by the end of March 2019, placing printing and shipping sometime in June at the latest!

If you have any questions, please let us know! We are always available on social media and our contact form!

Best Holiday Wishes,

Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Editorial Director


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