Revealing Q3 2024 Titles & Important Dates

Revealing Q3 2024 Titles & Important Dates

Hi Grim Oakers,
For those of you who could not attend our live Q3 title reveal, here is a quick summary of what we shared. As you can see, a little lighter on titles in Q3 and all are sequels to move some of our series along:
  • Servant of the Empire by Raymond E. Feist & Janny Wurts presale starts 7/24 at 11AM PT, rights for owners of Daughter of the Empire, only a few copies of the first book left!
  • An Empire of Wings by Naomi Novik with artwork from Daniel Govar, presale starts on 8/7 at 11AM PT, rights for owners of In His Majesty's Service
  • The Wandering Fire by Guy Gavriel Kay with artwork from Julien Delval, presale starts on 9/11 at 11AM PT, rights for owners of The Summer Tree
  • Grave Peril by Jim Butcher with artwork from Chris McGrath, presale starts on 9/25 at 11AM PT, rights for owners of Fool Moon
Each of these have a two-week exclusive period for the owners of the preceding book in the series, then will be OPEN for all when the 2 weeks expire.
The last 2 books on the list are tentative, as we will not release a sequel without shipping the previous. Right now, things are looking great for The Summer Tree and Fool Moon to be shipping prior to those dates... just wanted you all to be aware.
We also announced the kickoff of a new anthology titled Unavowed. This will be done through Kickstarter and Shawn will be publishing a page to join and participate prior to it's launch. This is a very fun project for us as it will include authors that are or were self-published and some of the tiers of the crowdfund will be about paying those authors more for their stories as the project does better and reaches new milestones. More news coming from this soon.
We hope these titles excited you. We have more on the way! More news too. Stay tuned!
With Magic,
Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Creative Director
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