The Elfstones of Shannara Is In Stock

The Elfstones of Shannara Is In Stock

The limited edition of The Elfstones of Shannara has arrived!

Jeff has already begun shipping copies out of the Grim Oak Press warehouse to those of you who ordered. He is hard at work, making boxes, tearing bubblewrap, and lovingly numbering books for those of you who have pre-ordered one of the masterpieces of epic fantasy. It turned out better than I expected and it's a great companion to The Sword of Shannara that shipped in August. They are going to look absolutely lovely on the shelf together.

Of course, this is not without some hiccups. About half of the copies that Jeff has pulled free of boxes have dust jacket damage. What does that mean? Well, we won't ship sub-standard books and we have already requested that the printer send us new flat dust jackets. Poor Jeff will then have to wrap those around the books that need them. I'm not going to lie, that sucks. But he's up to the task. Send him your energy and care. It's deserved.

Jeff will use the rest of this week and early next week shipping out as many copies as he can that meet his critical eye. We will be able to update all of you on how far along he gets without needing those additional dust jackets.

And hopefully the printer will get those dust jackets to us ASAP.

If you haven't ordered your copy yet, you can do so on The Elfstones of Shannara product page. There's only about 100 left.

Also, we are gearing up to get Sometimes the Magic Works and The Wishsong of Shannara into production and we see a number of people haven't ordered them for their matching set. The Numbered List is starting to fill in so if you haven't pre-ordered them, now is a good time to do so!

One last thing. Some of you who have already received The Sword of Shannara may receive email notification that your book has shipped again. Pay it no heed. It is a bug error after we migrated to our new shopping cart.

More news about The Elfstones of Shannara next week and how shipment is going! Stay tuned!

Magic Always,

Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Editorial Director

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