The Wishsong of Shannara Shipping Soon

The Wishsong of Shannara Shipping Soon

The Wishsong of Shannara has been at the printer for several months and we've been patiently waiting to receive copies. Patiently. Ever so patiently.

It appears as though the limited and lettered editions are finally shipping. We have been told to expect the books shipping to our warehouse this week, to arrive next week. Once we receive them, Jeff will do a quality assessment and, if all goes well, he plans to start shipping books as soon as possible.

This book has been in the works for a long time. Thank you so much for your patience. If you have moved since you placed your order, notify Jeff at about your new address so we can update our shipping software. Also, if you get an email notification with an old address and you updated with us, all is fine. Our shipping software notifies our e-commerce software of a shipment and the email sent has the old address when the shipping software used and label-printed the new address.

If you haven't ordered your copy of The Wishsong of Shannara, feel free to do so now. And we also have double-signed and limited copies of Street Freaks in now too!

We will be looking at doing First King of Shannara and possibly Indomitable in the future. Details coming soon on those!

Best Wishes,

Shawn Speakman
Publisher & Editorial Director


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