Unbound Is Almost Here

Unbound Is Almost Here

Happy Holidays!

It's been a long wait for many of you...and that wait is nearly over! 

With the arrival of the Unbound Limited Editions and their respective slipcases, shipping from the warehouse is close at hand.  That brings us to a very important item that we need your help with - updating your shipping address.

Since these orders are very old, many of you have moved or changed addresses.  If we have your old one in the system, I am afraid your book may not make it to the proper destination - and after all of the patience that you have shown - it would be a tragedy to not receive this beautiful book because we can't find you.  Here is what we are asking:

If you have moved or had a change of address any time since ordering Unbound, please send your new address to contact@grimoakpress.com.  We will manually go through each email and update your shipping address for any unfulfilled orders. If you sent us your new address lately, no need to do it again.  

You cannot do this through your account on Grim Oak Press.  That will only update your default address, not the shipping address associated to each order.  This is a crucial part of making sure your book gets to you safely.

Again, we at Grim Oak Press appreciate your patience and support with our projects.  Anthologies such as Unbound and Unfettered (I, II, and III) take many months (or years) to procure stories and signatures from the 20+ authors who contribute.  The end result is always worth the wait!

Quick Project Update...

Sometimes The Magic Works

We received our limited and lettered editions of Sometimes the Magic Works and were lucky enough to get Nate Taylor and Terry Brooks to stop by and sign.  This is great news, except we once again found that over 90% of the dust jackets rubbed and have damage.  I will not ship those as they do not pass my quality check.  We are currently negotiating with our printer to get new jackets sent. Also unexpectedly, we were notified our printer can no longer make cases and shells.  That sent us scrambling to find someone who could and we had to place the order late.  The slipcases are for the lettered editions.  

Street Freaks

Project is a bit delayed due to a few factors, with #1 being a material shortage! This one has been at our printer since November and it close to being complete.  Apparently our paper selection is a popular one right now and nobody has it stocked.  That pushed us out past Christmas for completion.  I think we will receive the books in mid-January with the slipcases close to follow.  Once those arrive, I can begin matching numbers and shipping.


Exact same story as Street Freaks - but this one may have a little bit longer delay as we are adding some fun extra touches at the end.  You will appreciate the quality and love we put into this book!  We should be receiving all editions in late-January and then shipping in February.

The Wishsong of Shannara

Finally got all interior artwork completed and new files ready for our printer...and then the printer we have been using fell flat on their face with the other two projects (Unbound and Sometimes The Magic Works) and we were forced to make a difficult decision.  Wishsong is going to a different printer than the first two in the trilogy (but the same one that has Uprooted and Street Freaks).  We are very worried giving it to a different printer may cause the final book in the trilogy to not be exactly like the rest.  Well, with few options, we got great news from our new printer that they will be able to match all materials and make it look exactly like the first two!  We will continue to be very picky with this projact as it must match perfectly, so it will also take us more time.  Was hoping to have it done in January, but we are looking much more like February or March now with everything going on.

We will send out an extended project update in January - recapping what was an awesome 2018 and setting up for an even better 2019!

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

- The Grim Oak Team, Shawn and Jeff


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